Today global warming is alarming. Many of the aware people are bring attention of community and government about this serious issue. We are in state of transition. Many major changes are occurring related to environment, religious and political. Ease in life has many fantacies. One need countless luxuries, time saving options and easy way of living life.
But forgetting and ignoring a major factor which is the cost of this living style. We get energy through electricity and our living style can not survive without electricity. This electricity comes from natural resources like water, wind and coal. In Pakistan we have so many problems to face but we are not utilizing the earth and its resources in productive and beneficent way. The demand of different appliance and gadgets is increasing rapidly. The production see many challenges but fulfil the demand of end-user.
Our Earth is warming year by year and after one or two generations there will be a huge disaster and ratio will increase dramatically. The reason is global warming. We produce electricity by consuming coal energy converting heat into electric energy. It is disastrous. This production of electricity is not human friendly, neither nature friendly.
Ozone layer is being damaged, glaciers are being melt and over all earth temperature is increasing year by year. Sooner all glaciers will be melt and there will be large tsunamis and hurricanes and floods. Lesser oxygen will be available and most of the environment will be polluted. Our next generations will suffer badly. They will have to spend much more effort to reduce the global warming and to get healthy environment. The reason is we would have left no flexibility for them to survive easily. We do not learn till nature teach us lesson its way. But sometimes even still we dont learn. We prefer to follow rather to explore. We repeat methods rather deriving new dimensions. This is the time to save earth and our future generations.
We should be practical in it, we should not ignore minor daily routine practices. These are really very minor to count on but very very helpful in reducing global warming and saving nature to be disastrous for us. The glaciers are stabilizing the earth and continents if there will be no glaciers there will be no continent as well.
The common practices in our daily routine life are leaving electric appliances stand by, leaving chargers and TV on for long hours. Lighting un necessary lights. The point in mind comes here about the affordability. This is not the matter of affordability this is the matter to save our earth. Let it be green. For the survival we need to initiate some practices in our daily lives. We are hesitant to turn off lights in our schools, universities and offices. We think this is not our work. Please change your minds, ofcourse that is not your duty but by doing this you are actually saving earth and future generations. Lesser the energy consumption means lesser the coal burning, lesser the pollution in environment. More green and stable earth.
We do not go for new methods of living which are cost saving and effective until we are forced to do so. We do not utilize wind energy for wind mills to produce electricity. This wind energy and wind mill is 364/365 days available and one time cost. We can produce 80% of our power energy consumption through this maintenance free method. Our government does not focus on this cost saving and ever lasting way.
We can produce more energy through dams, We have fortunately every type of land and weather available in Pakistan. More than 90% of water coming from rains, melting ice is wasted in sea. We can utilize this resource to benefit our society.
Moreover there is huge availability of clear and hot weather in Pakistan in different areas, we can utilize energy coming from Sun. The solar systems should be installed in all industry and Government premises. This will help the environment to get free from burning gas, oil or coal to produce energy. We have huge deserted areas in Pakistan and these solar panels can produce enormous amount of energy. This is again a one time cost and it saves a lot.
Well these are the steps an individual can not take but one can turn off un necessary lights, switch off TV, chargers and other appliances while not in use. By practicing these minor things we can save more than 30% of our electricity consumption individually and if we collectively follow such principles we can save a lot.
The availability of resources and having capacity to utilize them is the gift of Allah. But it is also mentioned to be modest while living. We should avoid wasting the benefits bestowed by Allah.
Save earth for your future generations!