On 15th August 2010, the most worst incident of Islamic Republic of Pakistan occurred in presence of hundreds of people. Two innocent teenager brothers were killed brutally by a so called mob. They were beaten by sticks and bricks and people for hours and finally they died on spot. It was not enough for the people of the area, they hung the two innocent boys on road for long time. Even this could not make the satisfy they put the bodies in a tractor trolly and roamed in the city and many motor cyclists were following and making clips of the event. Their heads were leaning down and half nude bodies soaking in blood were lying.
It is horrible. I feel my heart drowning when I think of the event. I saw the footage on T.V and it was very very hard for me to keep watching. I saw devils as men beating those innocent children like I never saw before in my life.
The incident details till now are as follows. On 15th of august some people robbed and during robbery one man was dead and couple of them were injured. People were gathered at the incident. This was a town in sialkot near 1122 rescue force office. Suddenly people said we have caught the dacoits and then they were handed over to 1122 rescue force in their office. According to rescue officials they informed the Police about the incident. They were tied in ropes in the office of rescue 1122. Later police came in its traditional way and brought out those two boys out of the office. According to Police while they were trying to take them to Police Station the mob interfered and started beating the boys. Sooner the few of men got sticks and they showed the worst face of humanity by beating so harshly that the heart of viewer is torn apart.
One boy was only 15 his name was Muneeb and the other boy was 17 and his name was Mughees. He was hafiz e quran as well. Muneeb died in the begining due to some stone hit on his head and severe beating by sticks. He was all in blood. His face was swollen enough to make difficicult his identification. On the other hand Mughees faced the time between his life and death for two hours. People continously beat him with sticks and stones that finally he lost his life.
Now question is why they were beaten so hard that it took their lives. During the gathering of mob on the incident these two brothers on their father's bike were also going to home. They stopped and started asking people what happened suddenly somebody said they are the ones who robbed and mob caught them immediately and started beating later handed over to 1122 rescue. Who shouted that they are the ones who robbed. That man was the one who had personal clash with the boys. It is told that in a cricket match he had fight with them and he took his revenge by taking the benefit of time. Those two innocent brothers were killed in front of many people who are eye witness and didn't dare to stop those devils. Even police did nothing, the DPO of police said I will make it as encounter. I wish he is killed the same way or he see his closest relative dying the same way and people would never the real reason of his death. Later he checked the vein of boys if they are alive. He is the worst face of humanity. He is not a human. He must be hung till death and it will be a very easy punishment for him. I believe he should be treated the same way.
About the ones who are our so called police, they must be sent in jail for years and could learn lesson to fulfill their duties. In their presence they mob killed those boys. It means they are not capable to handling people. If they can't control the situation among normal citizen they how we are protected by them against terrorists. They are just wearing uniforms, taking bribery and showing off their so called power.
The mob, I never asked azaab e ilaahi in my whole life for anyone or any group or for any reason. I always said I will do Lanat to whom Allah will do. But now I ask lanat of Allah to those who killed the innocent boys, who watched the incident and did nothing and the ones who helped them out. I ask Lanat of Allah on all of them. It was the land where two innocent brothers were killed during fasting, no one can save that town by the azaab of Allah. I wish the people see the worst hardships and find no one to help them out as no one helped the boys. The people are so worse and heartless that they killed those two innocent boys in a no time, without confirming that these are ones who are guilty. They didn't hand over the boys to police for a fair justice and investigation rather they took law in hands and killed those boys. Law enforcement people kept standing and did nothing.
I am thankful to media who unveiled the bitter reality of our society, we are suffering from the worst disaster of our history but people are so violent that if they are not suffering from the disaster directly they just ignore and do what they want to do. Allah has shown the reason of the flood and earth quakes on land of Islamic Republic of Pakistan by showing an example. We are far away from Islam, we are far away from Quran and sunnat. We are not muslims, we are just so called muslims only offering prayers, fasting and talking about islam but practically we are worse than the worst of all creatures. Even animals do not kill each other this way. The post martem report says that their bones were badly fractured and merely no single bone was found unbroken. Oh! I ask azaab of Allah on the people of this incident who caused and who executed along with who only saw. Everyone of them deserve azaab of Allah and they will see the black face of death very soon Inshallah. I pray for the boys by heart and I ask the worst hardship set by Allah for all ones who are guilty. Ameen!
I am no more proud to be a Pakistani. The dead heart people. The worst among all human. I am ashamed of being a Pakistani.
Imran Qaisar describes his thoughts and feelings on different issues in his life routine. These include social, political and financial.
Freedom of Speech
According to the article number 19 of constitution of Islami Jamhuriya Pakistan I can criticize/comment on any of the political leadership and social issues.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Water War Between Pakistan and India

There is something wrong in determining the reason behind this flood. Millions of cu sec water is passing over the lands of Pakistan destroying the homes, roads and agricultural areas. How could some hundreds millimeter rainfall turn into a several million cusecs of water resulting into a worst flood of hisotry of Pakistan. The economy is badly effected, lives are destroyed, living people are ruined. Losing their life time earnings even generations assets are demolished in this water. We are set back to several decades. It will take years or a serious revolution to bring Pakistan back on its feet.
Commonly we are thinking that Allah is angry with us and he has set this natural disaster for us. No doubt! nothing can happen without his will. He says" Kun, Faya kun" (happen, and it happens) Al-Quran.
There are always some reasons behind every incident, the rainfall can not only be the reason of such a huge flood. But there is some other evil minded people are behind this worst disaster. And that is our neighboring country India. India released water on Chenab River and Kabul River in the days of monsoon. Firstly it hit the major city of khyber pakhtun khawa (formerly Sarhad/NWFP) Nowshera and later more and more water added into this flood day by day gradually resulting into destroying many dams, roads, homes, agri-lands including lives of Pakistanis.
It was the cruel act of India. India is against the prosperity of Pakistan since begining. We had two fights over the matter of Kashmir with india. I belive india has started another war with Pakistan by releasing water in form of flood to ruin the economy, destroy homes and spoiling lives. India is spending billions in construction of dams and reservoirs, barrages, and canals. If you search on internet you can find a list of these in hundreds. Moreover the suggested places for some dams and reservoirs are the plannings against Pakistan. But the political leadership is sleeping and dumb. Idiots and corrupt people are sitting in assemblies, cabinet and senate. The supreme position in leadership is owned by Mr. ten percent. The political leadership in only interested in spending money in foreign tours. It is stated that 1.8 billion rupee is fixed for President and Prime Minister's foreign tours monthly. And not even a 1% of budget is spent on making dams or reservoirs to save the agriculture of Pakistan and produce more hydro electricity power to fulfill the needs of nation.
Three main dams Mangla, Tarbela and Warsak were constructed for the purpose of generating electricity and irrigating agricultural land. In addition, there are 23 barrages/head works/syphons; main irrigation canals are 45, which have extended up to 40,000 miles. Similarly, there are 90,000 water courses, which are extended up to one million miles.
Once we had the best canal system in the world. But now we can not claim it to be even working. We are unable to make new dams or reservoirs, We are unable to get power from wind.
Please have a look at division of area of Pakistan in terms of irrigation.
Tarbela Dam was constructed in 1976 at a cost of 18.5 billion rupees on the river indus, 103 km from Rawalpindi. It is biggest hydro power station in Pakistan having capacity to produce 3478 MW of energy. Surprisingly it is worlds biggest earth filled dam also.The reservoir with it is 260 sq km.
Mangla Dam on river Jehlum was planned in 1960 as a result of indus basin treaty (sind taas muahida). It is designed to store 5.88 MAF of Water.
Warsak Dam is another big dam in Pakistan on river kabul having capacity to produce 240,000 KW and eventually serve the 110,00 acre of land for irrigation.
We are having more dams like khanpur dam, ghazi barotha dam, few more and some of the barrages like guddu and sukkhur. But still we are lacking to fulfil the needs of electricity required.
In 2006 Musharraf former president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan declared the plan of Diamer Bhasha Dam but later he could not get the "aid" from foreign. Now the puppet Prime Minister has announced to start it again. Kalabagh Dam dropped without discussion in parliament. Another diversionary tactic by the Pakistan Peoples Party to divert the attention of the nation from the food and energy crisis.
We are facing load shedding, fighting against terrorism and now flood. If you try to find out the reasons behind these major problems, load shedding is because of corrupt leadership, fighting against terrorism is not our actually, its america's fight which we have called for us. We are actively taking part to kill muslims to have good terms with kaafirs unfortunately and the flood is produced by the rival India.
Media, politicians, analyst, thinkers and other organizations were looking for hot issues like fake degrees, personal lives of famous people, debates, blaming and getting photo sessions. Our president call political people as political actors. I guess he is the villain of his role and performing it well. I wish there is some sense of awareness in people of Pakistan to wake up the sleeping political leadership and force them to work for the betterment of Pakistan.
Otherwise India said I released water and weaken the infrastructure of Pakistan, now I dont need bullets to destroy Pakistan I will not release water for full year and whole agriculture will be finished and Pakistan will be no more. I believe we will not let the enemy to fulfill his sinful intentions as our Army and our people are devoted to serve and save Pakistan. But the leadership must be changed immediately and the guilty should be treated lawfully.
We are in constant state of war since 1947. Alas! still we do not understand the moves of our enemies including our corrupt political leaders.
Serve Pakistanis, Save Pakistan !
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Left and Right Brain
Our Creator, Allah has bestowed two sides of brain upon us, (two hemispheres, i.e. left and right) and not without a purpose. The left side of brain is logical, critical, analytical, and evaluative. The reasoning comes from it. It controls language skills, reading and writing, and remembers names, dates and various facts. It evaluates information in a rational, logical way, interprets words and concepts, and processes data sequentially. It performs analytical calculations. It also controls all the movements of the right side of the body.
Keep away from ill-thinking, because ill-thinking is a greatest falsehood. (Bukhari)
The right hemisphere is usually intuitive and artistic. Dreams and fantasies are born here. When we are thinking holistic or imaginatively, it is the right side of the brain. It is intuitive, problem solver and synthetic. It controls our imagination. When you enter in to your imagination, you are engaging your right brain and telling your left-brain to take a back seat. It is also the right side that deals in images and concepts. It can also process several pieces of information at the same time. It controls all movements in the left side of the body.
To criticize and analyze a problem is the left side and to find a solution to it the right side of brain. Some people tell you how bad things are; they can pass a judgment on almost everything and every person. They spend hours and hours in telling you what is wrong with the country or its politics. But if you ask for a solution, they have no answer. They only use left side of their brain. This does not mean that the left side is not required. Neither do I suggest not using it. But analyzing a problem at hand is only the first step; the challenge is finding a solution which is for the right side to do.
Pessimism is part of bad character. (Ahmad)
We live in a country where left-brain thinking is valued more. Students good in numbers and data get higher grades, giving a wrong message to the society that memory retention skills are more valuable than artistic and creative skills. Most students become left-brain thinkers by the time they come out of high school.
Only using both sides of brain can deliver because they work in harmony and complement each other. No one could reach one’s potential by using only one half of God-gifted faculties.
Keep away from ill-thinking, because ill-thinking is a greatest falsehood. (Bukhari)
The right hemisphere is usually intuitive and artistic. Dreams and fantasies are born here. When we are thinking holistic or imaginatively, it is the right side of the brain. It is intuitive, problem solver and synthetic. It controls our imagination. When you enter in to your imagination, you are engaging your right brain and telling your left-brain to take a back seat. It is also the right side that deals in images and concepts. It can also process several pieces of information at the same time. It controls all movements in the left side of the body.
To criticize and analyze a problem is the left side and to find a solution to it the right side of brain. Some people tell you how bad things are; they can pass a judgment on almost everything and every person. They spend hours and hours in telling you what is wrong with the country or its politics. But if you ask for a solution, they have no answer. They only use left side of their brain. This does not mean that the left side is not required. Neither do I suggest not using it. But analyzing a problem at hand is only the first step; the challenge is finding a solution which is for the right side to do.
Pessimism is part of bad character. (Ahmad)
We live in a country where left-brain thinking is valued more. Students good in numbers and data get higher grades, giving a wrong message to the society that memory retention skills are more valuable than artistic and creative skills. Most students become left-brain thinkers by the time they come out of high school.
Only using both sides of brain can deliver because they work in harmony and complement each other. No one could reach one’s potential by using only one half of God-gifted faculties.
Solution 'n' Services: What is SnS
Solution 'n' Services: What is SnS: "Solutions 'n' Services Solutions 'n' Services provides best web design solutions affordable and custom web development company specializing..."
Friday, August 13, 2010
BlackBerry Services in Pakistan
Blackberry services are offered by Research In Motion Rim Canada. These services were introduced by Mobilink an Orascom Company first time in Pakistan.
BlackBerry Service is a potential danger to our security and privacy. The Blackberry service is operated via blackberry servers. There are two types of services majorly offered to customers via a telecom operator. Blackberry Internet Service and Blackberry Enterprise Service commonly called as BIS and BES.
Both of the services rely on blackberry infrastructure. Every mail that comes in your current email account a copy will be sent to blackberry mail server and by using the push mail technology the mail is delivered to the customer's handheld. It is again a detail that how message is delivered, it is ofcourse the solution is developed for ease of user and minimum usage of bandwidth along with more features.
The potential threat is our security agencies in Pakistan are using this service. Today almost every telecom operator is offering blackberry services. I have also worked for blackberry for one of the famous operators in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I personally helped a very high official of ISPR to configure his device. Furthermore I helped many times the ministers for getting their emails on blackberry.
Personally I know the system is open for those who are offering these services. No one can penetrate the system easily to get the email as this is highly secure over the server and solution is capable enough for any tracking or manipulating with emails but every email for every customer is stored in blackberry servers. These servers are residing outside Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We are well aware of american and jewish policies but still we are not capable enough to understand their minds and moves. We should ask blackberry company the Research In Motion to demonstrate the whole process of email system. Furthermore this service should be developed and deployed solely for Pakistan. The mailing server and whole infrastructure should be deployed in Pakistan and this system should work autonomously having no link or dependability over the system in Canada or America.
We should ask for customized solution depending on the needs of customers. The telecom operators must be aware enough to handle such situations and they should inform the relevant government agencies about the facts. Moreover the terrorism in Islamic Republic of Pakistan is always a point to criticism for other countries. Our agencies must have access to blackberry servers those being used by Islamic Republic of Pakistan's telecom operators so that they could have a check on any ambiguous activity. If the email system is secure then its secure for terrorists as well. The access is as simple as of tapping a call or getting a location of some specific person.
India is going to ban Blackberry services if the company could not satisfy their questions. This is actually called open eyed people.
Our government must think about the serious issue and call a meeting with all telecom operators who are offering blackberry services to make sure the service is in secure hands.
We strongly need open minded and opened eyed people in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
BlackBerry Service is a potential danger to our security and privacy. The Blackberry service is operated via blackberry servers. There are two types of services majorly offered to customers via a telecom operator. Blackberry Internet Service and Blackberry Enterprise Service commonly called as BIS and BES.
Both of the services rely on blackberry infrastructure. Every mail that comes in your current email account a copy will be sent to blackberry mail server and by using the push mail technology the mail is delivered to the customer's handheld. It is again a detail that how message is delivered, it is ofcourse the solution is developed for ease of user and minimum usage of bandwidth along with more features.
The potential threat is our security agencies in Pakistan are using this service. Today almost every telecom operator is offering blackberry services. I have also worked for blackberry for one of the famous operators in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. I personally helped a very high official of ISPR to configure his device. Furthermore I helped many times the ministers for getting their emails on blackberry.
Personally I know the system is open for those who are offering these services. No one can penetrate the system easily to get the email as this is highly secure over the server and solution is capable enough for any tracking or manipulating with emails but every email for every customer is stored in blackberry servers. These servers are residing outside Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We are well aware of american and jewish policies but still we are not capable enough to understand their minds and moves. We should ask blackberry company the Research In Motion to demonstrate the whole process of email system. Furthermore this service should be developed and deployed solely for Pakistan. The mailing server and whole infrastructure should be deployed in Pakistan and this system should work autonomously having no link or dependability over the system in Canada or America.
We should ask for customized solution depending on the needs of customers. The telecom operators must be aware enough to handle such situations and they should inform the relevant government agencies about the facts. Moreover the terrorism in Islamic Republic of Pakistan is always a point to criticism for other countries. Our agencies must have access to blackberry servers those being used by Islamic Republic of Pakistan's telecom operators so that they could have a check on any ambiguous activity. If the email system is secure then its secure for terrorists as well. The access is as simple as of tapping a call or getting a location of some specific person.
India is going to ban Blackberry services if the company could not satisfy their questions. This is actually called open eyed people.
Our government must think about the serious issue and call a meeting with all telecom operators who are offering blackberry services to make sure the service is in secure hands.
We strongly need open minded and opened eyed people in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Outsourcing in Managing Project
The biggest mistake of an organization is to outsource a business process which solely depends on human resource.
Today more and more companies have outsourced their business processes or employees to other companies to remove the expense burden of employees. A big dis satisfaction has occupied the hearts of working people. Unreliable and unsecure job positions. Treated as step employees. Low Morale. The biggest loss a company suffers is losing the loyalty of the employee. The cutting over in expense head of Finance is no more appreciated in terms of outsourcing the employee from own payroll to a third party outsourcing and recruitment company. World is suffering from recession. I believe its only a term which is used by those who do not believe in Allah. Nothing has stopped, traffic is flowing, communication is on, food is available, gas stations are not closed even not a single daily life routine process is stopped or changed. It is as it is. It shows few coward non muslim economist propagated the fear of recession and every company believed in it. First step was downsizing and next was outsourcing. It takes time to show impact of any change. The outsourced employees are feeling themselves as inferior employees than others. This is hurting. This will develop racism.
We are one united nation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and as being muslims we should have compelete faith in Allah.
I am thankful to Allah that he promised the "Rizq" to his people otherwise, People would have killed or eaten people.
We are not communist we believe in life after death, we believe in day of judgement. We believe and Halal and Haraam. We are taught equivalence in humanity. The one who gives someone will also give you.
"Hasool e rizq e halaal ain ibadat hai"
Now I will discuss some considerable points regarding the poor project management and its flaws while making a decision.
Mistake #1: Rely just on financial statements
Profit and loss, revenue and expenses these are measures of important things to a business. But they are information that is too little and too late. Too little in the sense that other results matter too, such as customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer advocacy. Too late in the sense that by the time you see bad results, the damage is already done. Wouldn't it be better to know that profit was likely to fall before it actually did fall, and in time to prevent it from falling?
Mistake #2: Look only at this month, last month, year to date
Most financial performance reports summarize your financial results in four values: 1) actual this month; 2) actual last month; 3) % variance between them; and 4) year to date. Even if you are measuring and monitoring non-financial results, you may still be using this format. It encourages you to react to % variances (differences between this month and last month) which suggest performance has declined such as any % variation greater than 5 or 10 percent (usually arbitrarily set). Do you honestly expect the % variance to always show improvement? And if it doesn't, does that really mean things have gotten bad and you have to fix them? What about the natural and unavoidable variation that affects everything, the fact that no two things are ever exactly alike? Relying on % variations runs a great risk that you are reacting to problems that aren't really there, or not reacting to problems which are really there that you didn't see. Wouldn't you rather have your reports reliably tell you when there really was a problem that needed your attention, instead of wasting your time and effort chasing every single variation?
Mistake #3: Set goals without ways to measure and monitor them
Business planning is a process that is well established in most organisations, which means they generally have a set of goals or objectives (sometimes cascaded down through the different management levels of the organisation) . What is interesting though, is that the majority of these goals or objectives are not measured well. Where measures have been nominated for them, they are usually something like this: Implement a customer relationship management system into the organisation by June 2006 (for a goal of improving customer loyalty) This is not a measure at all it is an activity. Measures are ongoing feedback of the degree to which something is happening. If this goal were measured well, the measure would be evidence of how much customer loyalty the organisation had, such as tracking repeat business from customers. How will you know if your goals, the changes you want to make in your organisation, are really happening, and that you are not wasting your valuable effort and money, without real feedback?
Mistake #4: Use brainstorming (or other poor methods) to select measures
Brainstorming, looking at available data, or adopting other organisations' measures are many of the reasons why we end up with measures that aren't useful and usable. Brainstorming produces too much information and therefore too many measures, it rarely encourages a strong enough focus on the specific goal to be measured, everyone's understanding of the goal is not sufficiently tested, and the bigger picture is not taken into account (such as unintended consequences, relationships to other objectives/goals) . Looking at available data means that important and valuable new data will never be identified and collected, and organisational improvement is constrained by the knowledge you already have. Adopting other organisations' measures, or industry accepted measures, is like adopting their goals, and ignoring the unique strategic direction that sets your organisation apart from the pack. Wouldn't you rather know that the measures you select are the most useful and feasible evidence of your organisation's goals?
Mistake #5: Rely on scorecard technology as the performance measure fix
You can (and maybe you did) spend millions of dollars on technology to solve your performance measurement problems. The business intelligence, data mining and 'scorecarding' software available today promises many things like comprehensive business intelligence reporting, award-winning data visualization, and balanced scorecard and scorecarding and an information flow that transcends organizational silos, diverse computing platforms and niche tools .. and delivers access to the insights that drive shareholder value. Wow! But there's a problem lurking in the shadows of these promises. You still need to be able to clearly articulate what you want to know, what you want to measure and what kinds of signals you need those measures to flag for you. The software is amazing at automating the reporting of the measures to you, but it just won't do the thinking about what it should report to you.
Mistake #6: Use tables, instead of graphs, to report performance
Tables are a very common way to present performance measures, no doubt in part a legacy from the original financial reports that management accountants provided (and still provide today) to decision makers. They are familiar, but they are ineffective. Tables encourage you to focus on the points of data, which is the same as not seeing the forest for the trees. As a manager, you aren't just managing performance today or this month. You are managing performance over the medium to long term. And the power to do that well comes from focusing on the patterns in your data, not the points of data themselves. Patterns like gradual changes over time, sudden shifts or abrupt changes through time, events that stand apart from the normal pattern of variation in performance. And graphs are the best way to display patterns.
Mistake #7: Fail to identify how performance measures relate to one other
A group of decision makers sit around the meeting room table and one by one they go over the performance measure results. They look at the result, decide if it is good or bad, agree on an action to take, then move on to the next measure. They might as well be having a series of independent discussions, one for each measure. Performance measures might track different parts of the organisation, but because organisations are systems made up of lots of different but very inter-related parts, the measures must be inter-related too. One measure cannot be improved without affecting or changing another area of the organisation. Without knowing how measures relate to one another and using this knowledge to interpret measure results, decision makers will fail to find the real, fundamental causes of performance results.
Mistake #8: Exclude staff from performance analysis and improvement
One of the main reasons that staff get cynical about collecting performance data is that they never see any value come from that data. Managers more often than not will sit in their meeting rooms and come up with measures they want and then delegate the job of bringing those measures to life to staff. Staff who weren't involved in the discussion to design those measures, weren't able to get a deeper understanding of why those measures matter, what they really mean, how they will be used, weren't able to contribute their knowledge about the best types of data to use or the availability and integrity of the data required. And usually the same staff producing the measures don't ever get to see how the managers use those measures and what decisions come from them. When people aren't part of the design process of measures, they find it near impossible to feel a sense of ownership of the process to bring those measures to life. When people don't get feedback about how the measures are used, they can do little more than believe they wasted their time and energy.
Mistake #9: Collect too much useless data, and not enough relevant data
Data collection is certainly a cost. If it isn't consuming the time of people employed to get the work done, then it is some kind of technological system consuming money. And data is also an asset, part of the structural foundation of organizational knowledge. But too many organizations haven't made the link between the knowledge they need to have and the data they actually collect. They collect data because it has always been collected, or because other organizations collect the same data, or because it is easy to collect, of because someone once needed it for a one-off analysis and so they might as well keep collecting it in case it is needed again. They are overloaded with data, they don't have the data they really need and they are exhausted and cannot cope with the idea of collecting any more data. Performance measures that are well designed are an essential part of streamlining the scope of data collected by your organization, by linking the knowledge your organization needs with the data it ought to be collecting mistake.
Mistake #10: Use performance measures to reward and punish people
One practice that a lot of organizations are still doing is using performance measures as the basis for rewarding and punishing people. They are failing to support culture of learning by not tolerating mistakes and focusing on failure. It is very rare that a single person can have complete control over any single area of performance. In organizations of more than 5 or 6 people, the results are undeniably a team's product, not an individual's product. When people are judged by performance measures, they will do what they can to reduce the risk to them of embarrassment, missing a promotion, being disciplined or even given the sack. They will modify or distort the data, they will report the measures in a way that shows a more favorable result (yes - you can lie with statistics), they will not learn about what really drives organizational performance and they will not know how to best invest the organization’s resources to get the best improvements in performance.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Zardari Visit to France & England
During the worst disaster of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its history the symbolic head of state the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is on a foreign visit. The most pathetic and hurting crisis here but the most supreme commanding authority is busy in spending his holidays abroad. He was treated badly there. The motive behind this visit is not clear, the outcome is zero and good will of Peoples Party of Pakistan is badly affected.
In Quran Allah says" Jab koi qom sarkash ho jati hai to usi mein se bad tareen insaan ko haakim bana dia jata hai"
Allah fulfilled his promise...
During the tenure of dictator Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf no body had an idea of having Zardari as next president of Pakistan. Zardari gained the benefit of murder of his party's chair person and wife Benazir Bhutto. If one death can change his destiny then in flood hundreds of people are dead and billions are effected.
Mr. Zardari in his speech received an overwhelming response from audience in shape of shoes. Why he went there and for what... It is clear.
The newspaper in England "Mirror" said: Mr. chameron count your fingers after shaking hand with zardari.
We are ashamed of you Mr. Zardari.
In Quran Allah says" Jab koi qom sarkash ho jati hai to usi mein se bad tareen insaan ko haakim bana dia jata hai"
Allah fulfilled his promise...
During the tenure of dictator Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf no body had an idea of having Zardari as next president of Pakistan. Zardari gained the benefit of murder of his party's chair person and wife Benazir Bhutto. If one death can change his destiny then in flood hundreds of people are dead and billions are effected.
Mr. Zardari in his speech received an overwhelming response from audience in shape of shoes. Why he went there and for what... It is clear.
The newspaper in England "Mirror" said: Mr. chameron count your fingers after shaking hand with zardari.
We are ashamed of you Mr. Zardari.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Glass Re-enforced Pipes
One of the leading construction company in U.A.E is engineering GRP in construction of buildings. For more details click the following link.
GRP Glass Re-enforced Pipes
Meri Soch: Flood in Pakistan
Meri Soch: Flood in Pakistan: "We are suffering from the worst disaster of the history of Pakistan. May Allah save us and give strength to the victims. Ameen!"
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