There is something wrong in determining the reason behind this flood. Millions of cu sec water is passing over the lands of Pakistan destroying the homes, roads and agricultural areas. How could some hundreds millimeter rainfall turn into a several million cusecs of water resulting into a worst flood of hisotry of Pakistan. The economy is badly effected, lives are destroyed, living people are ruined. Losing their life time earnings even generations assets are demolished in this water. We are set back to several decades. It will take years or a serious revolution to bring Pakistan back on its feet.
Commonly we are thinking that Allah is angry with us and he has set this natural disaster for us. No doubt! nothing can happen without his will. He says" Kun, Faya kun" (happen, and it happens) Al-Quran.
There are always some reasons behind every incident, the rainfall can not only be the reason of such a huge flood. But there is some other evil minded people are behind this worst disaster. And that is our neighboring country India. India released water on Chenab River and Kabul River in the days of monsoon. Firstly it hit the major city of khyber pakhtun khawa (formerly Sarhad/NWFP) Nowshera and later more and more water added into this flood day by day gradually resulting into destroying many dams, roads, homes, agri-lands including lives of Pakistanis.
It was the cruel act of India. India is against the prosperity of Pakistan since begining. We had two fights over the matter of Kashmir with india. I belive india has started another war with Pakistan by releasing water in form of flood to ruin the economy, destroy homes and spoiling lives. India is spending billions in construction of dams and reservoirs, barrages, and canals. If you search on internet you can find a list of these in hundreds. Moreover the suggested places for some dams and reservoirs are the plannings against Pakistan. But the political leadership is sleeping and dumb. Idiots and corrupt people are sitting in assemblies, cabinet and senate. The supreme position in leadership is owned by Mr. ten percent. The political leadership in only interested in spending money in foreign tours. It is stated that 1.8 billion rupee is fixed for President and Prime Minister's foreign tours monthly. And not even a 1% of budget is spent on making dams or reservoirs to save the agriculture of Pakistan and produce more hydro electricity power to fulfill the needs of nation.
Three main dams Mangla, Tarbela and Warsak were constructed for the purpose of generating electricity and irrigating agricultural land. In addition, there are 23 barrages/head works/syphons; main irrigation canals are 45, which have extended up to 40,000 miles. Similarly, there are 90,000 water courses, which are extended up to one million miles.
Once we had the best canal system in the world. But now we can not claim it to be even working. We are unable to make new dams or reservoirs, We are unable to get power from wind.
Please have a look at division of area of Pakistan in terms of irrigation.
Tarbela Dam was constructed in 1976 at a cost of 18.5 billion rupees on the river indus, 103 km from Rawalpindi. It is biggest hydro power station in Pakistan having capacity to produce 3478 MW of energy. Surprisingly it is worlds biggest earth filled dam also.The reservoir with it is 260 sq km.
Mangla Dam on river Jehlum was planned in 1960 as a result of indus basin treaty (sind taas muahida). It is designed to store 5.88 MAF of Water.
Warsak Dam is another big dam in Pakistan on river kabul having capacity to produce 240,000 KW and eventually serve the 110,00 acre of land for irrigation.
We are having more dams like khanpur dam, ghazi barotha dam, few more and some of the barrages like guddu and sukkhur. But still we are lacking to fulfil the needs of electricity required.
In 2006 Musharraf former president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan declared the plan of Diamer Bhasha Dam but later he could not get the "aid" from foreign. Now the puppet Prime Minister has announced to start it again. Kalabagh Dam dropped without discussion in parliament. Another diversionary tactic by the Pakistan Peoples Party to divert the attention of the nation from the food and energy crisis.
We are facing load shedding, fighting against terrorism and now flood. If you try to find out the reasons behind these major problems, load shedding is because of corrupt leadership, fighting against terrorism is not our actually, its america's fight which we have called for us. We are actively taking part to kill muslims to have good terms with kaafirs unfortunately and the flood is produced by the rival India.
Media, politicians, analyst, thinkers and other organizations were looking for hot issues like fake degrees, personal lives of famous people, debates, blaming and getting photo sessions. Our president call political people as political actors. I guess he is the villain of his role and performing it well. I wish there is some sense of awareness in people of Pakistan to wake up the sleeping political leadership and force them to work for the betterment of Pakistan.
Otherwise India said I released water and weaken the infrastructure of Pakistan, now I dont need bullets to destroy Pakistan I will not release water for full year and whole agriculture will be finished and Pakistan will be no more. I believe we will not let the enemy to fulfill his sinful intentions as our Army and our people are devoted to serve and save Pakistan. But the leadership must be changed immediately and the guilty should be treated lawfully.
We are in constant state of war since 1947. Alas! still we do not understand the moves of our enemies including our corrupt political leaders.
Serve Pakistanis, Save Pakistan !
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